Renewing Fatih - 8 parishes

Renewing the Faith

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FamilyofEight Weekend Mass Schedule July

Daily Mass July 2024


Creating Vibrant Communities

You will find all the information pertaining to the future planning of the Family of Eight Parishes in Racine.

Letter to the Faithful of Racine

I hope you have received the letter explaining the planning process and restructuring of the Catholic Church in Racine. If you have not received it, click here for the letter, or please contact the parish office so we can provide one for you.

Planning Team

We have established a planning team with four representatives from the parish leadership to work on the more concrete details of the planning process for the next 18 months. These four people will represent the parish in the following areas: 

Facility and Finance

Ben Baran
St. Edward Parish

Jeff Hollow
Sacred Heart Parish

John Suchla
St. Sebastian Parish

Pete Koleske
St Joseph Parish

Suzanne Yde
St John Nepomuk Parish

Ed Morelli
St. Richard Parish

Mick Moore
St. Patrick Parish

Joe Pitts
St. Lucy Parish


Barb Hantschel
St. Edward Parish

Sandy Piper
Sacred Heart Parish

Pat Langenfeld
St. Sebastian Parish

Deacon Doug Gundlach
St Joseph Parish

Dennis Maller
St John Nepomuk Parish

Kathy Garski
St. Richard Parish

Carol Rawlinko
St. Patrick Parish* Gabriela Cabrera

Angela Lefeber
St. Lucy Parish

School/Education (Faith Formation)

Barb Pippenger
St Edward Parish

Cami Meyer
Sacred Heart Parish

Earl Wirtz
St. Sebastian Parish

Kristin Gibson
St Joseph Parish

James Tresemer
St John Nepomuk Parish

Mark Panthofer
St. Richard Parish

Maureen Martinez
St. Patrick Parish* Gabriela Cabrera

Emily Ansani
 St. Lucy Parish

Administrative Services (staffing)

Mike Marz
St Edward Parish

Patrick McCauley
Sacred Heart Parish

Lou Beugnet
St. Sebastian Parish

Kay Shalbrack
St Joseph Parish

Cathleen Cook
St John Nepomuk Parish

Terri Clarke
St. Richard Parish

Wayne Marik
St. Patrick Parish

Marty Navarro
St. Lucy Parish

If you have any questions regarding the planning process, please contact your representatives from each parish community.


Fr. Juan M Camacho